
The purpose of this blog is to teach people how to draw cartoons. When you are bored you can draw whatever you want. So if you want me draw anything just put it in the comments. I can draw and make tutorial for you to understand. My main purpose is to tell everyone that drawing is fun even if your doodling you will have fun.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Learn how to draw Halloween Knife

Because Halloween is coming I thought that we can draw a knife from the Halloween series

1. Draw the handle
2. Add Some white dots

 3. Draw the blade
4. Add some fake blood to it

5. Add a hand Or keep it the way it it.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I think your blog is really neat, and it's cool that you're out to teach people how to draw! But I was wondering, when you're teaching people to draw, could you be more specific about what they're drawing? You might say 'draw an arm' but that doesn't mean I know how to draw an arm! I really hope I'm not coming off as rude or high and mighty! But great job on your blog!
